
Friday, April 23, 2010

Lesson 3: (part 1) More Cmajor / Aminor scale

So I went back to the Cmaj scale
and look at it over the entire fretboard

So the notes from the open strings at the zero fret and all the yellow ones are in!
Hopefully the image below with colours for the 2 main shapes we were looking at helps out. 
(right mouse on the images and open em up if you want to see the ends)

To move to play in another key is just a move of that entire pattern up or down the fret board.

So to move to D(major) would mean moving your little finger to the D note on the 10th fret (thinnest / bottom string) and putting your index finger on the B(minor) on the 7th fret (thinnest / bottom string). That is where you would then start 'pattern 1'.

A move to play in G(minor) means putting your index finger on the G note on the 3rd fret (thinnest / bottom string) and putting your little finger on the A sharp (major) on the 6th fret (thinnest / bottom string) and that is where you would then start 'pattern 1'.

After 3 lessons on this it was starting make some sense and we were playing cords in Aminor and I was attempting to play in those notes above over the entire fretboard - and I was pretty crappola at it :)

The tango 'beat' is a tricky one & I still can't play it... grrrrrrrrrrr
More on that one next time.


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